Community Partners

Jewish Family Services

Jewish Family Services (JFS) of Washtenaw County is dedicated to strengthening family life, fostering individual self-sufficiency, and promoting improved social and economic conditions. JFS provides affordable, accessible, holistically- oriented and culturally sensitive care to clients, whatever their identification, affiliation, lifestyle, background, race, religious creed, or national origin. Jewish Family Services is also the only agency that provides wraparound services for refugees as well as counseling, nutrition, transportation, employment and interpretation. Embedded within JFS is the Washtenaw Integrated Senior Experience (WISE) Aging Services Program. WISE case managers assist diverse community members age 60 and over as they find and coordinate needed resources and alleviate barriers to access – including lack of knowledge, application processes, language skills, etc.

“Being a part of the MICC team has been an invaluable experience not only for the clients we serve, but also for me as a case manager working in the community." – Sarah Russman | Jewish Family Services
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